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P.O. Box 931
Southbury CT 06488

Member Towns

Monroe er for twenty-three years of dedicated service as an LZA Commissioner ; Bernie will return to the LZA as a Commissioner as soon as he is sworn in as an Oxford rep.

Public Comments:

Bill Soracin , Sandy Hook, requested the lake drawdown schedule; Robert Barnes, Chairman, will contact First Light and noted that there are ads in the newspapers regarding permits required for lakefront structures etc. Steve Downey, Fish Rock , Southbury , discussed the incremental silting sand from the Pomperaug River and was referred to DEP and state regarding I-84’s impact on the flow and silting; another Fish Rock,Southbury,resident stated that the area has an increase of weeds, algae and stench, this year, Glenn Ganz, Treasurer, explained that there is reportedly a failing septic in the Fish Rock area and that the weeds are harvested but no chemical treatment was done this year.  Robert Barnes, Chairman, explained the DEP chemical weed abatemant process and costs of it and weed harvesting and the fiscal constraints this year.Edward Kusinski,LZA, noted that the weed growth this year was the worst in thirty yrs or more.Bernie Lintzner explained that when the chemical was applied :a maximum of thirty acres are permitted , the date is approved in advance and last year First Light had to drop the water level the day of treatment due to heavy rains.This year the budget was cut; it was suggested that the public write letters to their towns regarding their concerns.Steve Vavres,Monroe  First Selectman , proposed that the LZA meet in Monroe and Newtown to discuss LZA budget and issues. Frank Cavallo, Southbury, stated that Monroe needs to put same amount into LZA budget as other towns.Jerry Isleib,LZA, suggested  that the  public needs to attend Town Council Meetings etc. re LZA issues. Paul Gallichotte, Southbury, suggested that LZA spend monies on weed abatement au lieu of patrols.John Downs, LZA, stated that at the last meeting, the public voiced safety concerns. Dave Gifford,Fish Roack, Southbury, stated weeds were dumped on his private property and request none next year;jet boat noises shakes my house need acoustic meter; Sgt Dan Semaoskey, SP, discussed the cost of monitor , necessary training of officers, and the boaters knowledge of when patrols are off. Bernie Lintzner , Oxford, discussed the distribution of LZA Budget requests to the Towns and issues with Monroe regarding Registered mail; Steve Vavrer,Monroe First Selectman stated that the Registered mail process was changed.Joel Zeisler, Shady Rest, discussed
The Leaps of Faith and Wounded Warriors and a forthcoming clinic on Sat September 11,2010 ;the Marine Patrol response to alleged complaints regarding closure of the lake during the clinics and that noone was present to complain tonight and  no written complaints have been received. Edward Kusinski,LZA ,suggested that notices be placed in Monroe where launch permits are obtained.Joel stated that he would post next years schedule with area newspapers i.e. Voices and Newtown Bee. Terence Bogue,LZA Marine Patrol Driver ,stated that they had to remove flotsam and jetsom from the lake during patrol; Robert Barnes, Chairman, will contact First Light .

Marine Patrol Report:

Sgt Dan Semoskey,SP, reported that LZA patrol boat #2 was out of service for  repairs for two weeks ,thus  two boats from Newtown Underwater Rescue assisted to provide safety around barge during the Fireworks display @ Waterview on Aug 13,2010; thirty-five written warnings were given Aug-Sept . one major infraction; no boating registration;no boating certificate;canoes and kayaks :no pfd’s
pontoon boats: insufficient pfd’s(LZA pfd’s are distributed for use);three given at Shepaug Dam spillway:fishing,kayaking and two: father and son, standing on spillway fishing; no observer while skiing; Patrolled with  Boat #1 9a.m.-8p.m. with two crews. Sgt  Dan Semoskey,SP suggested that a buoy line be placed a distance from the Shepaug Dam and that the patrols be scheduled for the next three Sundays, weather permitting; a motion was made by Robert Mouchantat, Vice Chairman (seconded by Jerry Isleib) to schedule the Marine Patrols on the next three Sun ,weather permitting; the motion passed : 7 ayes and one abstention.Robert Barnes , Chairman, reported that he called Mr Davis, Southbury First Selectman, regarding the MOU.

Treasurer’s Report:

Was accepted , unanimously, as presented by Glenn Ganz, Treasurer per motion made by Carolyn Wilson,Secretary(seconded by Jeannie Purcella).Glenn Ganz, Treasurer requested that an audit of the books be done;a motion was made by Carolyn Wilson,Secretary, (seconded by Jeannie Purcella). A discussion ensued regarding an audit as financial statements are completed biannually and all checks are computerized ; four ayes,three nays and one abstention. Robert Mouchantat will temporarily assume the Treasurer’s duties ; John Downs will report at next meeting if he will assume the Treasurer’s duties.

Publicity and Public Awareness:

No report per Jeannie Purcella; Robert Mouchantat, Vice Chairman reported that he took the Newtown First Selectman for a tour of Lake Zoar and discussed i.e. LZA funding, weed issues and safety; he suggested that a Sept/Oct Meeting be scheduled for all Selectmen to discuss LZA Budget Issues.

Water Quality:

No report

Boats, Motors and Maintenance:

Robert Barnes, Chairman reported that LZA Boat #2 is running well with the aluminum propellor; he will contact Carl Hornbecker, Lakeside Marina regarding Glenn Ganz’s resignation and that Robert Bowolick will coordinate the boats,etc; Glenn Ganz,Treasurer, will follow up issues with Robert Bowolick.

LZA Grants:

Robert Barnes, Chairman, stated that Bernie Lintzner will reassume LZA grants, upon his reappointment as William May resigned.

Coast Guard Auxiliary:

Robert Bowolick reported that Flotilla 24-12 will offer an America’s Boating Course at the Oxford American Legion Hall on the third Sat : Sept 25th from 8:30 to 5p.m.; registration is required.

New Business:

Robert Barnes, Chairman discussed the feasibility of scheduling LZA informational monthly meetings in Monroe, Newtown and Oxford ; Jerry Isleib made a motion to do so (seconded by Marven Moss) ; a discussion ensued and Jerry Isleib tabled his motion til the next meeting.Robert Mouchantat, Vice Chairman, distributed a FY2012 budget with the following recommendationsand made a motion ( seconded by Edward Kusinski) to 1.establish a weed management reserve fund;2.transfer monies from checking into weed reserve fund ; 3.transfer monies from checking to general fund.Glenn Ganz, Treasurer, amended the motion to reduce the amount of #3 by 50% (seconded by Jeannie Purcella) The amended motion passed unanimously.
Glenn Ganz,Treasurer discussed the Bank signature card revisions needed Robert Barnes, Chairman and Robert Mouchantat, Vice Chairman will chyange them at the bank.

A motion was made by Robert Bowolick to adjourn the meeting( seconded by Jerry Isleib); the meeting was adjourned at 9:37 p.m. by Robert Barnes, Chairman.

Respectfully submitted,

Carolyn Wilson, LZA Secretary

The minutes are not considered official until approved at the next regular meeting of the Lake Zoar Authority, to be held on Tuesday, October 5,2010 at 7:00 p.m. at the Southbury Town Hall.